When the Corona Virus slows down the whole world. Stay productive and motivated during the time you are working from home.

Working from home stressful in times of Corona virus

Long before the coronavirus outbreak struck, working from home was introduced in some companies around the world. Nobody expected it to become so quickly a must and a big challenge for a lot of white-collar employees. Tech giants including Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter announced earlier this week, that most of their staff are mandated to work … Read more

COVID 19 epidemic and the consequences according to the WHO. Why everyone is worried. Is there a deeper meaning of the Corona Virus that is happening to the world?

loving kindness COVID19

The Corona Crisis and the message to the world. Is there a hidden message in the outbreak of COVID 19? Today in the morning, when I was sitting down for meditation, something came into my mind.  What if the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic is a message to us. The Universe wants to tell … Read more

How to learn Copywriting fast like a Pro. The Best 6 secrets on how to use words that sell.

Words that sell. Learn Copywriting fast and understand the 6 Secrets. 

Is your Copywriting innovative, creative, trendy, interesting unique or is your copywriting boring, uninteresting, tedious, and stale? Learn Copywriting fast like a pro. 

“You are only one sales letter away from being rich.” Those are the words from one of the greatest copywriter Gary Halbert. “

organic traffic with wealthy affiliate

A Sales Copy has more impact on how much money you make with your Website, company or blog than anything else.

If you build the most fabulous Sales Funnel or hire the most expensive designer to create your amazing Website than you must know how a great offer has to look like. 

But if you miss the target on writing a fantastic headline with incredible bullet points and you suck in writing your sales copy your sales funnel will simply not convert.  That is a fact. 

When you write a blog or a text, and you are in the marketing branch or just writing content for your site, you need to know how to write good content that people want to read.

Most Entrepreneurs struggle to write a fantastic Sales Copy or Sales Letter. 

How To Learn Copywriting fast like a Pro

Who says it is  difficult to learn copywriting like a pro?

Lots of Entrepreneurs believe they are not good in Marketing or Sales. 

Copywriting is not difficult when you use the right words that resonate with your readers. Selling your products then will be easy.

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Is Wealthy Affiliate the real deal or a just another scam…?

you need a system

Wealthy Affiliate the real deal. Wealthy Affiliate the real deal. A Must Read before you decide you sign up.  Suppose you have been trying to make money online for a while. But the results did not satisfy you, and you made a few bucks here and there but nothing that would rock your world. Well, … Read more

The New Year 2020 Goal setting countdown. 10 Ways To Say No To Fear This New Year and yes to achieving your goals.

Achieve your goals and dreams in simple steps

Say No to Fear and say Yes to Transforming your Fear into the Fuel to success.

Wow, we are already on the 7th of January 2020. Time has gone so fast and 2019 went in a blink of an eye. 

Say no to fear and achieve your goals in no time

The New Year arrived so quick, at least for me. Time flew by and now is the time again to set goals, intentions and resolutions. I am not very good at setting long term goals but I have learned that it is a process that keeps me focused and successful. 

How many of us will actually see through to the end? I have friends (and I was for years the same) who set high goals, but by the end of March all is back to square one, and the goals are just too difficult to achieve or as one of my good friends says, when life kicks in we follow and obey.

I was following this trend for a couple of years, and I figured out it is not the life that kicks in it is FEAR. You can argue with me about that but what is the reason you do not achieve your goals? 

Fear is in our daily life. What would life be without it? 

Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change or even fear of fear.

We all have experienced fear to some point in our lives, and it can be a big block or obstacle that is holding us back to achieve our goals and being truly successful. 

No need to panic, there is a solution for everything. You can conquer your fear in simple and easy steps. 

As it is a time to change and a new beginning I love to give you a gift. 

Download my free e-book of “The visualization Secret of Champions and High Performers. 

The Visualization Secret of the High Performers and Champions.
A must-have book. Download it for free.
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Here are my top 10 fast-acting tips for you to conquer your fear this year, including one secret hot tip that I have used to overcome my fears.

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The best tips on how to save money. See how easy it is to save more than 17.000 Euros in one year.

how to save money for life

Learn how to save money in everyday life. Have you thought about how much money you spent each year on things that are not really necessary, or where the money is really just waisted? This post will show you 21 tips on how to save money. Stay on you will be surprised how easy it … Read more

4 Common PPC Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. Get your PPC Campaign right the first time.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Blog written by Josh Wardini Co-Founder of Serpwatch. Make no mistakes; Pay-per-Click (PPC) is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies available today. Generally speaking, this marketing tactic requires businesses to pay a certain fee whenever their ad gets clicked. PPC helps promote a brand’s awareness and also increases conversion. According to a study, … Read more

Success And Failure. The 5 Bad Habits Successful And Rich People Do Not Have. Find Out What Is Holding You Back To Have It All.

goal setting use your energy

What are the 5 bad habits you need to give up or work on it if you want to be successful? Our lives are dominated by Success and Failure. Did you know, according to the latest studies, 40% of your daily activities are habitual.  Amazing right if you think we are all human and have … Read more

When You Are Struggling With Time Management. What You Are Doing Right Now That You Need To Stop Doing Right Now.

Time Management easy to do

Why You  Struggle With Time Management And How To Fix It.  Our day has 24 hours, out of this 24 hours we take around 6 to 8 hours sleep and the rest goes either for work or entertainment. Lots of Entrepreneurs do not have much time as they struggle to get things done.  A lot … Read more

Thousand of Blogging Tools are available for free, but which are the best and least time-consuming tools.

the best blogging tools

How to choose the best blogging platform?  If you want to start a blog or share your experience or promote your business, blogging is one of the best ways to connect to the outer world. With a Blog, you can reach Millions of People. Whether you blog to share your experiences or to promote your … Read more

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