Rules For Guest Bloggers

Dear Guest Blogger

Thanks for joining us on We’re excited to get your insights out there. To make sure your post resonates with our readers, keep in mind these quick pointers.

Please read them carefully and if you can agree with them you can go ahead and start writing a post.

Quality: Content should be original, informative, and engaging. Ensure the writing is grammatically correct and free of typos

Length: Minimum of 600 words. Longer posts tend to perform better and give bloggers more room to delve into the topic

Relevance: Posts should be relevant to our blog’s niche and target audience. 

Style: Maintain a consistent tone and voice that aligns with our blog’s overall style. 

Keywords: At least one Keyword that is relevant . It should be through out the article  in a natural way and not forced

Plagiarism: No plagiarism allowed. Using citations and reference links for any borrowed information or statistics.

AI-generated content: If the content is AI-generated, it needs to be clearly disclosed to you and the audience.

Timeline: When the post is approved you have 14 days time to write the post. If you can not write in this 14 days you need to get approved again for the post.

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  • Spam links: Prohibit links to websites engaged in adult content, gambling, betting, or illegal activities.
  • External links:  The number of external links are limited and depend on the content length. 2 relevant external links per 600 words.
  • Backlinks:  If you want us to link to your website than we require also that you will back link to our website.


  • Images: Required are high-quality images that complement the content.
  • Image sources: All images must have proper citations, stating the source and ensuring they’re royalty-free or have proper usage rights.
  • Copyright: No copyrighted images should be used.

Additional considerations:

  • Author bio: Include a short bio of you the guest blogger at the end of the post.
  • Social media promotion: You can but not mandatory share the post on your social media channels
  • Review process: We will review your blog and if there is a need of revision you must revise it in a timely manner.

We’re beyond grateful for your willingness to share your expertise. Can’t wait to see your fantastic post shine on.

Have a nice day Sylvia Spurway
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