The 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge Review by John Assaraf.

How to Transform Your Business in 5 Days? Do you need help with your business and need to move forward? Are you tired of the same old strategies that aren’t achieving the desired results? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then John Assaraf’s 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge might be just what you … Read more

The 10th Annual Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass.

The Millionaire Mindset Free Ebook

Sign up for the 10th Annual  Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass (hosted by John Assaraf) The best thing is, it is free, and you will get 5 hours of brilliant training for your brain. The only Game of Money Brain Training &Coaching Program. This event that happens once a year is a free event … Read more

The New Year 2020 Goal setting countdown. 10 Ways To Say No To Fear This New Year and yes to achieving your goals.

Achieve your goals and dreams in simple steps

Say No to Fear and say Yes to Transforming your Fear into the Fuel to success.

Wow, we are already on the 7th of January 2020. Time has gone so fast and 2019 went in a blink of an eye. 

Say no to fear and achieve your goals in no time

The New Year arrived so quick, at least for me. Time flew by and now is the time again to set goals, intentions and resolutions. I am not very good at setting long term goals but I have learned that it is a process that keeps me focused and successful. 

How many of us will actually see through to the end? I have friends (and I was for years the same) who set high goals, but by the end of March all is back to square one, and the goals are just too difficult to achieve or as one of my good friends says, when life kicks in we follow and obey.

I was following this trend for a couple of years, and I figured out it is not the life that kicks in it is FEAR. You can argue with me about that but what is the reason you do not achieve your goals? 

Fear is in our daily life. What would life be without it? 

Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change or even fear of fear.

We all have experienced fear to some point in our lives, and it can be a big block or obstacle that is holding us back to achieve our goals and being truly successful. 

No need to panic, there is a solution for everything. You can conquer your fear in simple and easy steps. 

As it is a time to change and a new beginning I love to give you a gift. 

Download my free e-book of “The visualization Secret of Champions and High Performers. 

The Visualization Secret of the High Performers and Champions.
A must-have book. Download it for free.
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Here are my top 10 fast-acting tips for you to conquer your fear this year, including one secret hot tip that I have used to overcome my fears.

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Does Steve Jobs achieve his goals every time? Find out the secret to achieving your goals.

achieve your goal and be a winner

The Secret to achieving your goals. Why 92% do not achieve their goals and only 8% achieve the goals? Did you know that according to Science it shows that 92% do not achieve their goals but only 8% achieve the goals they set out? Some achieve a 10% high level of success. Another 20% reach … Read more

A clever Scam or just an Illusion? The free just pay shipping book offer

online gurus

3 things you must know about the Free just pay shipping Book Offer.  Have you heard about this or did you get an email in your inbox stating hey I kept your free book just pay shipping. I have to say I am a bit upset and disappointed as one of my favourite marketer just … Read more

What Is The Key To Success In Life? 9 Important Steps You Have To Get Right To See You At The Top.

And the winner is your environment

Is Education the key to Success,  or is  Motivation the key to success? What is the key to success? I watched a video by Jim Bunch and he talks about the 9 environments. I thought this is so good that I like to share the summary of the video. I believe he is a great motivational … Read more

Feng Shui For The Office. Attract More Prosperity And Customers For Your Business.

make your office more productive

Have you ever thought to use Feng Shui for the Office? Did you know that in the Asian Countries Feng Shui is widely spread and used? Some of the bigger and very successful companies have their own Feng Shui Masters on a corporate consulting salary.  I have done this for more than 25 years, and … Read more

What is the 80/20 Principle ? Work Smarter not Harder…

Pareto principle

What is the 80 20 Rule about?  In short work smarter not harder.  The 80/20 Rule can be used for everything. For Relationships, for Business, for Diets, for health, for fitness you name it can be applied to everything. The 80/20 Principle known as the Pareto’s Principle. The founder was the Italian Economist  Vilfredo Pareto. … Read more

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