Slow to zero Website Traffic on your Website? Boost your traffic and sales with these 9 secret tips.

how to boost your website traffic

A Website without Traffic is like a Shop without Customers OH no … I created my website I was so proud, and I love it, but my website is like a ghost town. No one is visiting my website … I am doomed, with no sales …  You are shattered, and you ask yourself why? … Read more

The How to Internet Marketing Part 2

The How on Internet Marketing

A Guide to the startup Cost for an Internet Business  In this Part 2, we will discuss the following points When is the right time What Kind of Costs You Can Expect( Website, Domain, Keyword tool, Courses etc. ) Prioritize your Money (what is mandatory and what you don’t need) Moving forward what are the alternative … Read more

Declutter your Life, Home and Office. It takes only 5 minutes a day to make your home clutter-free.

Declutter your life 5 minutes a day

Take the Test and find out if you need to declutter your life, home and office.  Close your eyes and think about your Livingroom or Bedroom. Can you remember the furniture and all of the deco items where you placed them?  If your answer is no, there are too many things well than you need … Read more

What Is The Key To Success In Life? 9 Important Steps You Have To Get Right To See You At The Top.

And the winner is your environment

Is Education the key to Success,  or is  Motivation the key to success? What is the key to success? I watched a video by Jim Bunch and he talks about the 9 environments. I thought this is so good that I like to share the summary of the video. I believe he is a great motivational … Read more

Feng Shui For The Office. Attract More Prosperity And Customers For Your Business.

make your office more productive

Have you ever thought to use Feng Shui for the Office? Did you know that in the Asian Countries Feng Shui is widely spread and used? Some of the bigger and very successful companies have their own Feng Shui Masters on a corporate consulting salary.  I have done this for more than 25 years, and … Read more

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. A great way to increase your Google Ranking.

Seo Keyword tool for business

The Jaaxy Free Keyword Research Tool a great way to improve your SEO.  I have tried a couple of Keyword tools, most of the free ones are giving you the information in a basic and general term.  Said this but pact into some technical Mambo Jambo where most people have no idea. If you want … Read more

The GDPR Rule. What Europe’s New Privacy Law Means for Affiliate Marketers

GDPR what does it mean for affiliate Marketer

The GDPR Rule. What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The GDPR Rule is a law that gives European Citizens more control over the personal data collected by businesses or services. It seeks to clarify the rules and responsibilities for online services with European users. On the 25th of May 2018, it will replace … Read more

Solid State Drive vs Hard Drive. If you had the choice would you buy a computer with or without SSD and HDD?

Solid State Drive versus Hard Disk Drive

A day full of surprises… Learning the difference between Solid State Drive ( SSD) and Hard Drive ( HDD) My day today started with a bit of disappointment.  I got up in the morning had a shower and breakfast. Opened and switched on my computer, logged in and went to download my emails from the … Read more

A Cheat Sheet With The Most Common Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys An Easy Way To Remember Them All.

Remember Keyboard shortcut keys in a easy way

Will Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys increase your daily productivity. Yes, they will increase your productivity.  How do you like to use the Keyboard shortcut keys?  I was never a big fan of using Keyboard shortcut keys until a couple of years ago. I always refused to get the shortcuts into my mind.  Two years exactly … Read more

Best Smartphones in 2018

best phone of 2018

1. Reviews iPhone X Is it the best smartphone you can buy in 2018? Most of the people would answer that with yes. Is it better than the Samsung Galaxy S9? Depends on what you like Android or iPhone. One is for sure the Camera in the iPhone X is far better than the one Samsung … Read more

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