What is the secret to the Law of Attraction? Manifest Your Desires

Law of Attraction Secret Revealed: Create the Life You Want in 60 Seconds The Law of Attraction: a concept that has captivated minds for centuries, promising a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment. But what exactly is it, and how can you harness its power? What is the Law of Attraction? Simply put, the Law … Read more

Christmas Calm: Proven Strategies for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Christmas can be a magical time, but it can also be a major stress-fest. From holiday shopping to family gatherings, there’s a lot to juggle. How to have a stress-free Holiday season? However, you don’t have to let the holiday hustle and bustle take over your life. Here are a few tips to help you … Read more

How to Build a Resilient Mindset and Bounce Back from Anything?

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, success often hinges on more than brilliant ideas and a tireless work ethic. It requires something deeper, a resilient mindset that can weather the storms of setbacks and uncertainties. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of a resilient mindset and explore strategies to help you build … Read more

What Is The Power Of The Subconscious Mind?

In which way will the Subconscious Mind affect your Thoughts and Behavior?

Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Did you know it makes up around 95% of your brain power?
The subconscious mind handles everything your body needs to function correctly. It goes from eating, breathing, digesting, feeling, and making memories.

The Subconscious Mind is the most beautiful Gift we got given.

The greatest and most beautiful gift given by God to man is the incredible power of your subconscious mind.

Though it is highly complex to understand, it is the point where everything has control. A brain has two parts – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is that part of the brain that controls your thought and actions. In other words, you are in control of the conscious mind.

On the other hand, a subconscious mind controls a person’s emotions and feelings. Therefore, you are not in control of a subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls you.

what is the power of the subconscious mind

Studies show that the subconscious mind is the first to receive information when you hear any news or anything.

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The 10th Annual Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass.

The Millionaire Mindset Free Ebook

Sign up for the 10th Annual  Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass (hosted by John Assaraf) The best thing is, it is free, and you will get 5 hours of brilliant training for your brain. The only Game of Money Brain Training &Coaching Program. This event that happens once a year is a free event … Read more

The 3 best and most efficient tips on how to micro-step your daily habits to success.

Daily Habits to success. Bye Bye Procrastination

Micro habits are so small that they feel like they should sort of succeed automatically. That’s what makes them so frustrating when, for whatever reason, they don’t. Did you ask yourself sometimes how to micro-step your daily habits to success? Moreover did you worry each day that task you supposed to do are not getting … Read more

5 PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKS Famous People use them all the time.

Procrastination and the Mind

You might have realized that the most interesting and useful psychological tricks that we talk about are not taught by your parents.   The good news is that we are going to be covering 5 PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKS that can improve your lifestyle.  These are especially useful in leadership, relationships, marriage, business and any sort of scenario where you are trying … Read more

The New Year 2020 Goal setting countdown. 10 Ways To Say No To Fear This New Year and yes to achieving your goals.

Achieve your goals and dreams in simple steps

Say No to Fear and say Yes to Transforming your Fear into the Fuel to success.

Wow, we are already on the 7th of January 2020. Time has gone so fast and 2019 went in a blink of an eye. 

Say no to fear and achieve your goals in no time

The New Year arrived so quick, at least for me. Time flew by and now is the time again to set goals, intentions and resolutions. I am not very good at setting long term goals but I have learned that it is a process that keeps me focused and successful. 

How many of us will actually see through to the end? I have friends (and I was for years the same) who set high goals, but by the end of March all is back to square one, and the goals are just too difficult to achieve or as one of my good friends says, when life kicks in we follow and obey.

I was following this trend for a couple of years, and I figured out it is not the life that kicks in it is FEAR. You can argue with me about that but what is the reason you do not achieve your goals? 

Fear is in our daily life. What would life be without it? 

Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change or even fear of fear.

We all have experienced fear to some point in our lives, and it can be a big block or obstacle that is holding us back to achieve our goals and being truly successful. 

No need to panic, there is a solution for everything. You can conquer your fear in simple and easy steps. 

As it is a time to change and a new beginning I love to give you a gift. 

Download my free e-book of “The visualization Secret of Champions and High Performers. 

The Visualization Secret of the High Performers and Champions.
A must-have book. Download it for free.
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Here are my top 10 fast-acting tips for you to conquer your fear this year, including one secret hot tip that I have used to overcome my fears.

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Success And Failure. The 5 Bad Habits Successful And Rich People Do Not Have. Find Out What Is Holding You Back To Have It All.

goal setting use your energy

What are the 5 bad habits you need to give up or work on it if you want to be successful? Our lives are dominated by Success and Failure. Did you know, according to the latest studies, 40% of your daily activities are habitual.  Amazing right if you think we are all human and have … Read more

Mind, Body, Spirit. Train your Brain with this 4 simple Mind Step Technique to succeed in every area of your life.

Brain a mystery discovered

Do you believe that you can train your Brain with simple mind techniques to make more money? Everywhere you look people talking about Mindset and how to become successful. What is this talk about training your Brain, enhance the power within you, manifest anything you want, become rich overnight, live the freedom lifestyle … and … Read more

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