COVID 19 epidemic and the consequences according to the WHO. Why everyone is worried. Is there a deeper meaning of the Corona Virus that is happening to the world?

loving kindness COVID19

The Corona Crisis and the message to the world. Is there a hidden message in the outbreak of COVID 19? Today in the morning, when I was sitting down for meditation, something came into my mind.  What if the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic is a message to us. The Universe wants to tell … Read more

Success And Failure. The 5 Bad Habits Successful And Rich People Do Not Have. Find Out What Is Holding You Back To Have It All.

goal setting use your energy

What are the 5 bad habits you need to give up or work on it if you want to be successful? Our lives are dominated by Success and Failure. Did you know, according to the latest studies, 40% of your daily activities are habitual.  Amazing right if you think we are all human and have … Read more

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