Success And Failure. The 5 Bad Habits Successful And Rich People Do Not Have. Find Out What Is Holding You Back To Have It All.

What are the 5 bad habits you need to give up or work on it if you want to be successful?

Our lives are dominated by Success and Failure.

Did you know, according to the latest studies, 40% of your daily activities are habitual. 

Amazing right if you think we are all human and have a brain and function in healthy ways? But we all love our routine. Success and Failure is part of our life, and we fail once in a while and then we succeed.

When I came across this famous quote from Benjamin Franklin, I was wondering if that is true.  

“Most People die at 25, but they are not buried until 75. “

Benjamin Franklin

Can you relate to that? I know someone who I went to school with and it fits her perfectly. When I went to school with her, I always admired her when she was younger, she was full of life and energy … She never left a stone unturned.

I always believed that she was born to do something great. Well, I did not know how wrong I was. When I met her a couple of years ago, I was shocked as she looked like someone sucked the life out of her.

When she said to me that she finished her University and was ready to take on the world.

But Life had something else for her, she got pregnant with 23 and got married. She has 4 children and never went back to work, as her husband has a good job and he did not want her to work. I think she regrets that she did not pursue her career.

Now she is 55 years young, and she complains about everything and anything. She has no energy and the way she speaks it is like something died in her when she became a mother and wife. It is like the quote from Benjamin Franklin.

In today’s age, most people are literally sleeping awake.

 Sounds a bit funny but it is so true. When they get to the end of their life, people are full of regrets. 

We are what we think. Have you heard about this saying?

It is essential that you pay close attention to this blog, where I am going to break down 5 habits you need to give up right now if you want to be successful.

Pay special attention to the last and final habit. No do not scroll down and take the fun out of reading all 5 habits.

Bad Habit Nr. 1. The Pressure And You

The first bad habit you need to let go is crumbling under pressure. 

We all have been there, I have and I crumbled under pressure and was thinking why me. It took me some time to learn that it is all in my mind and I am the master of my thoughts.

Here’s the big difference between Winners and Losers.

I know it sounds harsh when you say Losers. But the moment a loser feels the winds of life the moment they begin to fall and crumble. What does a loser do when he feels that pressure, they begin to give up, they begin to tell themselves, oh you don’t know what I’m going through.

Losers tell their brain that all is too much and can not handle it. Oh, it is all too hard. What does your brain do, it makes sure that this pressure is too much for you and your brain will trigger the thoughts that you give up.

Why there are only a few Winners?

When you are a Winner you have figured it out you know what to tell your brain. Winners might not like it, but a winner has a quick realization and understands it is real, and it is okay.  

There is a part of us that has to go through the process. It is a part of overcoming and growing, stepping out of your comfort zone. 

Winners realize the most robust trees don’t grow in the best soils, they grow in the strongest winds, and they understand that they can control it. 

When Problems arise…

The problems arise when we think we’re the only ones who feel the pressure and then allow ourselves to get overwhelmed by it, when in fact other people around you feel this pressure too. 

What dictates success?

Winners have a neutral relationship to their brain and this energy. When you reframe it, and you understand how to turn your nervousness into the fuel for success.

Yes, you heart this right, it is possible. ( Read Mind, Body, Spirit. Train your Brain with this 4 simple Mind Step Technique to succeed in every area of your life.)

Winners tell themselves when they feel nervous. I feel excited; I can do that, it will be a great success, the outcome will be marvellous.

Then they jump onto a stage, and they serve to go above and beyond. 

You are in charge of your brain, and you can dictate the outcome. 

Step up and reframe the pressure, fear and nervousness into a new and exciting experience and realize that pressure creates diamonds. 

The 3 Secrets to Success with John Assaraf. Click here

This course from John Assaraf “The 3 Secrets to Success ” is free. Have a look it is really good. It helped me a lot.

Bad Habit Nr. 2 How do you see yourself.

Let’s go into the second bad habit, and that is you. I mean your self-image of you. It makes you act like you.

The strongest force in human psychology is a need to remain congruent with how you identify yourself. So to change your performance, you must change your self-image, and you must begin to get out of your comfort zone. Begin to ask yourself when you achieve your goals who do you become?

What is the true purpose of a goal?

Who do you have to become to achieve this goal? It is like role play. 

When you change your self-image to that future vision now, that is when you start acting in accordance with your future self-identity. 

Viewing yourself in a negative way will never achieve to change the outcome. 

Zig Ziglar one of my favourite Book Authors said :

“You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Change the way you see yourself, and you will change the outcome.   “

Zig Ziglar

The 3 Secrets to Success by John Assaraf Click here

This course from John Assaraf “The 3 Secrets to Success ” is free. Have a look it is really good. It helped me a lot.

Bad Habit Nr. 3. Playing to lose or playing to succeed.

 Let me ask you, on a day-to-day basis, are you playing “not to lose”? Or are you playing “to win”? This is a big difference, it sounds so simple but it’s a big difference between success and failure, or winning and losing.

People who fail will look around and do just enough to get around. People who succeed they dominate and they will do anything to be successful, Those are the Winners and they take action, and succeed.

It is a mindset game, and you need to change your mindset if you want to belong to the winners. 

Every day when you get out of bed the game starts and you are either the winner of the day or you are the loser of the day.

Let me explain it is easy… When you get up in the morning you go to work that it is when it starts with the game. Your day is your game arena.

When you finish work and you go home in a happy mood you are the winner of the day. If you go home and you are angry, frustrated, upset or just a bad mood well than you are the loser of the day.

Count how many bad days and how many good days you have in a month, add it and see how many you have in a year. Figure it out where you are and where you want to be.

You have to realize that if you are going to go in at all in, you need to do it properly. Do it like a winner. Own it from the heart and give what it takes to win. 

Bad habit Nr. 4 Commitment and Action

Let’s go into the fourth bad habit which is never committing and never taking action. 

Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people simply think about being rich and this is why the rich continue to get richer and the poor seem to get poorer. 

I know when I say this now people will not agree with me, but I will spark that light. People who want the wealth, think the more books they read, one day magnificently everything will fall in place. Don’t get me wrong reading is good and it is necessary but just reading is not enough. You need to use the knowledge you gathered and put it into action.

 Otherwise, you are sitting on a lot of knowledge. But that is it.

Rich people, what do they do?

They speed up the implementation. They take action and if they fail they fail forward.

Poor People will read more and think they will do some more research but in the end, never take action. 

I was actually one of them. I believed that the more I know the better and more successful I will be.

Well it proofed me wrong, I had a lot of knowledge but it hardly paid my bills. When I started to take action and worry about the things later that when I use my knowledge and put it into action.

Today I am well off and there is no need for me to worry about where my next paycheck is coming from.

I’m going to write this down…. ready…. fire…. aim…. get in the game, you want to know what you want, take action and then you wanna adjust as you go. 

Believe me, your plans will never go 100%. To be successful you have to get into the game, go along the way and adjust it on the go. If you fail then fail forward.

To make your dreams come true you need to fail forward. That leads to the final point. 

The 3 secrets to success by John Assaraf. Click here

This course from John Assaraf “The 3 Secrets to Success ” is free. Have a look it is really good. It helped me a lot.

Bad Habit Nr. 5 Create your Dreams.

You know, most people fail because they have not a clear vision of their dream. They want all the things they think off, but they do not have clarity about their dreams. When you do not have a clear vision of your dreams, means you are not ready to receive them.

Do you know how you’re going to make your dreams a reality?

Yes or No? There are only two answers to it. 

If you are dream than dream big and I mean big. You see if you shoot for the stars at least you will hit the moon right? So dream big.

Lots of People do not even shoot for the ceiling in the house, and that is why they are never successful. Doubt and worries creep in and they start to question their dreams. 

When you start to sabotage yourself and your dreams go back to the drawing board and get a clear vision of your dreams. If you can not think of too many things start with one thing a small thing where your brain can not create doubt and worries.

Dream Big, and don’t worry about THE HOW as the universe has a way to deliver it to you. 

Let me tell you one thing THE HOW is none of your business. You can not control everything let it come in divine timing. You wonder why you are not successful that is exactly why. 

Jim Carrey dreamed of becoming a Hollywood star. He took action and today he is a famous Actor. When Jim Carrey moved to LA, he would park on Mulholland Drive every night and visualize his success. 

One of these nights he wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 for “Acting Services Rendered,” which he dated for Thanksgiving 1995. Just before that date, he hit his payday with Dumb and Dumber. He put the deteriorated check, which he’d kept in his wallet the whole time, in his father’s casket.

Colonel Harland Sanders the famous Kentucky fried chicken. He was fired from a variety of jobs throughout his career before he first started cooking chicken in his roadside Shell Service Station in 1930, when he was 40 years old, during the Great Depression. His gas station didn’t actually have a restaurant, so he served diners in his attached personal living quarters. He perfected his secret recipe failed many times but eventually with never giving up and believing in this dream Kentucky Fried Chicken was born. 

Billionaire entrepreneur Sara Blakely has built a business empire with shapewear company Spanx, and has a net worth of $1 billion, according to Forbes.

 We’ve been conditioned to think “realistic”. We’ve been conditioned to follow goal setting systems.  Goal Setting is important but it depends on how you set your goal. ( Does Steve Jobs achieve his goals every time? Find out the secret to achieving your goals.)

The 3 secrets to success by John Assaraf. Click here

This course from John Assaraf “The 3 Secrets to Success ” is free. Have a look it is really good. It helped me a lot.

The question is, do you dare to dream big? Do you dare to dream so big that you feel dizzy from all the excitement? Because when you set this audacious goal, that is the thing that will keep you alive, that is the thing that will come from the heart, you will feel that burning desire to make your reality.

This is how you never run out of motivation by setting a goal that’s aligned with your intuition your heart, the thing that you’re born to do and then it becomes your mission to make your reality.

 This is what visionaries entrepreneurs have got in common, they see things before it happens. The question is, is it what do you really really want out of life and make it a must to make that of reality, so dare to dream big.

I use a vision board and I have it in my bedroom where I can see it first thing in the morning, on my computer as a screen saver, on my tablet and phone. Don’t be shy create a vision board for yourself. It reminds you every day of what you want to achieve. It inspires your subconscious mind.

The 3 secrets to success by John Assaraf. Click here

This course from John Assaraf “The 3 Secrets to Success ” is free. Have a look it is really good. It helped me a lot.

PS: I like to add some things here. When I talk about loser and winner there is no intention to hurt anyone. If I talk about rich and poor I have no intention to hurt or upset anyone. I use these words as they have a greater impact when you read it. I hope I have your understanding.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog. Success and Failure. 5 bad habits successful and rich people do not have.

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Thank you with Gratitude.


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