When you start your Network Marketing Business online you have to overcome different hurdles, how to easily manage those obstacles and get ahead of your competition.
Working in online marketing as a network marketer is not as easy as it is made out on a lot of promo sites.
We made to believe it is the easiest business in the world. No 8-hour work only a minimum of effort.
The reality is that “Online Marketing” has a very high failure rate.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic, says that 90 percent of new online businesses fail in the first 120 days of their startup.
If you look at it that means that out of 100 online businesses only 10 survive.
The idea of working from home sounds great and looks like an ideal solution for many. Lots of people who are unhappy in their job will fall for the promise of the fast money making scam (also called shiny object syndrome) to get rich overnight and earn thousands of Dollars $$$$$ while you sleep.
Those people quit their job and jump right into the internet marketing business. People fail because they jump into it without knowledge of what they are doing, no prior knowledge of what is expected and one main problem is that they try to do it themselves without help, trying to reinvent the wheel again.
Why is the failure rate so high? There are a number of reasons.
1. Lots of people are not prepared and understand what they get into.
2. Some people are desperate and fall for the online scams.
3. Lot’s of people do not understand the basic quote ” If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”
4. People are alone and do not realize that there are learning platforms out there who teach all step by step.
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Lots of Network Marketers quit before they become successful.
When you are in the online marketing world and you are successful then you understand the struggles you will go through, the ups and downs of emotion.
The only difference is how people handle the ups and downs. That, in fact, determines if you succeed or fail.
Every Network Marketer can confirm that one day you are in the clouds and the next day you are on the bottom … question yourself why you are doing this and does it actually work.
Let me give you a bit of my experience. When I had a real good week of sales and the next week it was so slow that I was wondering what I am doing, doubting myself and having all different thoughts and voices in my head.
I felt like the ocean with big waves that throw me up and down. I was working full time and at the same time started the online business.
I struggled for the first six to 9 month, and I thought that should be easy? you must be joking. Whoever told me that should be … I realised around in the 3rd month that I need a system and a proper mindset to keep myself motivated and to go.
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Network Marketing requires a Lot of Discipline. Is Discipline the key to success?
It is so easy when working at home getting distracted and do other things. When you start, and you do not set out your goals and hold yourself responsible you are doomed to fail.
I know what I say now it seems harsh and a lot of you will not agree with me, but if you want to be successful in Network marketing, then you must change your attitude, your mind and some of your environments around you.
Changing an environment is not so easy as you will eventually replace all nine environments. Read my blog about the 9 environments.
Is Time Management a must for a Network Marketer?
Network Marketer struggle with Time Management and if you are not able to manage your time efficiently, you are trapped in the hamster wheel.
Time Management for Network Marketers a considerable struggle and with the Time Management comes to the efficiency.
Lots of people joining the Online marketing never owned a business before, they have been an employee their whole life and don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that.
When you start a business, you have to be self-disciplined, and you need to manage your time wisely and efficiently. A lot of planning is involved, and that goes from the day to week, to month and 6-month plan.
Changing your mindset is essential to succeed.
Changing an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset is not so easy and needs some training.
The downside is you need to put in the work even you do not feel like it. When others go out for the weekend, you have to stay and work on your business. If you do not make your Business high priority and you treat your side business as a hobby, it will always remain a hobby.
I know this step is hard moving from hobby to business. But if you do not take that step and keep it a high priority life will get in the way and it will take over your time.
You need to work at least 3 hours a day and at least 10 hours on the weekend on your side business if you can not do that you will get bored and after a while, you lose interest and give up.
One thing you also have to understand when you do time management then you have to do it right. Time management is not just time management you need to manage your time efficiently in a way that has 20% input brings you 80% of the sales.
Can you make a decision that will influence the outcome of your online business?
Making a decision is for many a struggle. But when you follow on a time schedule you need to decide on the priority tasks that will make you the most money. You need to calculate your time wisely and need to get rid of all the distraction that comes into your way every single day. Lots of Network Marketers in the beginner state struggle to work out a system and priorities the tasks into daily and weekly tasks.
Many Network Marketers advanced or beginners can not afford to outsource simple tasks.
I do not like to do, some of the tasks and I do not like to spend to much time on it as I know myself when I do not like that task I will go and procrastinate.
Go into affiliate marketing and monetize your website from the beginning therefore you are able to afford outsourcing different tasks.
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Get visitors to your website and collect leads is one of the bigger struggles for network marketers.
Getting leads is one of the biggest challenges that people deal with. To succeed in Business, you need leads.
It does not matter if you have a physical business or a digital business. Without people to talk to, sell your products and explore the business opportunity you have no business.
It is like a restaurant without customers to sell your food too, you have no business, and eventually, you get bankrupt.
There are different ways to get leads, and the possibilities are endless.
A simple and efficient way is to find a good and suitable lead generation possibility and you need to decide and fine-tune what works for you.
How to get more Leads.
You can use classified ads, local events, solo ads, blogging, youtube videos, sales funnel, or opt-in pages where your visitor to your site signs up for a newsletter or receives a gift.
There are hundreds of possibilities to generate leads. The only thing you must do is take action.
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The next struggle for Network Marketers is Duplication.
What means Duplication? It means that when something works like an ad that you want to duplicate it over and over again.
For example: If you have an affiliate business and you run an ad and that ad works well and makes you the good income you need to know what you did and run your analytics so that you can use it over and over again.
If you have an MLM business for example: When you sign someone up you, want them to be able to go out and find a few customers or sponsors a few distributors to teach train and support their team and duplicate that over and over.
It sounds simple in the real world; it doesn’t work out that way. Do you believe that almost three out of four people who join your team going to end up quitting in less than 90 days?
They are not going to sponsor anyone, and they’re not going to find any customers they are not going on auto-ship no matter what you do to help them. It is hard to accept that, but the sooner you accept that fact and embrace that the better off you are going to be.
What is the key to duplication?
The Key to duplication is to have a simple system people can easily follow and a strong team culture that people love to be part of.
Besides, you use a simple system that is called tap- rooting, where you build depth quickly under the people you enrol, and you give them something to lose when people have something to lose then they are less likely to leave the business.
The invisible struggle of outsourcing and finding quality people.
It is hard for network marketers to find people that are leaders and doers. The truth is there are not many leaders and doers out there.
Have a look in the cooperate world most people stay in their job for years without a promotion or go as far where they do not need to make important decisions. Leaders and doers make decisions all the time and making decisions on a daily base is for a lot of people a struggle.
But that is ok we need the diversity in the people that what makes our world go around. We need all different types of people in the world to make the economy run.
The sooner you realise that the best people in network marketing typically show up in-depth rather than the people you sponsor. As you sponsor people whatever they are good or not they can lead you to quality people.
One other thing you should do is recruit up, and that means look at the people who are at the same level as you in the areas of success, knowledge and motivation. Most people they hire or recruit down as they look for the unemployed person broke a person, or someone who is struggling their whole life, that is not really who you want to recruit into your business.
They might be a great and well-educated person they are just not a prospect, and they just do not have the spark what it takes to be successful. You want people who have the same view of things as you and works as hard and determined as you.
The person you recruit should have contacts, credibility and some influence. Look for those prospects and your business will grow.
I usually look at people, and I look at people who owned a business before, or have done network marketing before, sales professionals, or know how to work on a commission base.
Use quality people in your team, when you have to say 30 people in your team, and you sponsored 5 or 6 of them you can look at the other 23 people and find the two or three who want to do something with the business and start working with them.
Attrition is a Killer in Network Marketing.
What is Attrition? It is a process of reducing something’s strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or pressure.
That is a killer in our business. It is the fact that around 65 to 70 per cent of your team is quitting the business every single year and the truth is all businesses in the real world they lose customers, and they lose employees, and online marketing is no different.
The problem with most people is that they start something but don’t finish anything. Most people give up on diets, give up on fitness and exercise. Most businesses in the real world don’t succeed; it is a fact of the real world. Network Marketing is easy to quit as you usually invest less than a $100 investment.
If you would invest one million dollars in starting a traditional franchise, you would never quit when times get tough, but you would do the opposite, and you would do everything and anything in your power to make this franchise business succeed.
That will never happen in the online world as the investment is small and people have no skin in the business and write off the few bucks very quickly.
That is why I say you want to build depth you give people something to lose. If they have a small team and a small check they are more likely to stay in the game.
Final thoughts from my experience that are the most common obstacles you have to overcome when you are in the online marketing world.
The Struggle for Network Marketers in the online world is real.
You have to deal with this struggles day by day until you found your way through this. Check out the winning the game of money it is a mindset program and helps you get focus and grow above yourself.
Implementing a system together with the right mindset is very important to succeed in the online marketing world.
If you are thinking of making a career as a Network Marketer, then you have to learn how to overcome each one of the challenges, and there will be more challenges coming your way the higher you climb the ladder of success.
A small piece of advice
My Advice for any Network Marketer out there who are struggling in creating a system and get clarity. Understand what you sell and who you market too. Be convinced about the product you sell.
When you choose online marketing, then join a community with like-minded people as being an entrepreneur can be a lonely place.
Don’t do it alone join an online learning platform
Being part of a great community is, and it is essential to talk to people who go through the same struggles as you.
This learning platform helps me to communicate with like-minded people and share and exchange things that work and don’t work.
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