The 10th Annual Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass.

Sign up for the 10th Annual  Free Brain A Thon Event Masterclass (hosted by John Assaraf)

The best thing is, it is free, and you will get 5 hours of brilliant training for your brain. The only Game of Money Brain Training &Coaching Program.

This event that happens once a year is a free event with great speakers. Each year there are different speakers, and it gets better and better.

For those who do not know John Assaraf and his Successful Brain A Thon Event, here is a short bio about John Assaraf.

John Assaraf 10th Brain A Thonn

John Assaraf is one of the world’s leading high-performance coaches. He is a behavioural neuroscience researcher who appeared on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper & The Ellen DeGeneres Show many times.

Brain A Thon Event Mindtraining

John grew Re/Max® of Indiana from a startup to 1200 sales associates who sold over $4 Billion a year and co-founded, which went public on NASDAQ with a market cap of $2.5 Billion.

John has written 2 New York Times bestsellers translated into 35 languages. He is the creator of the “Innercise” movement and has been featured in 11 movies, including “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

He is the CEO of, a neuroscience-based company dedicated to helping individuals strengthen their mindset to achieve their goals… faster and easier than ever before.

Join top Brain and success experts to help you let go of limiting beliefs, so you unleash your fullest potential at the annual Brain A Thon Event. It is only once a year, and you should not miss it.

The millionaire mindset ebook free







About Brain Science, things you need to know…

Science has proven that every human being is trained and conditioned to earn only a certain amount of income.

Your glass ceiling is created at a very early age from your thoughts, fears, beliefs, perceptions, paradigms and internal brain patterns. And they affect you at EVERY level of *financial* and life success!

The Brain A Thon 2022

But brain scan studies have PROVEN you can re-wire and strengthen the key areas in your brain that control your conscious AND subconscious…and every *financial* and business decision you make.

This requires applying the right Brain–training methodologies and technologies in the right way…so you can replace limiting beliefs, behaviours, and habits currently keeping you stuck.

During this 6+ hour LIVE online event, 6 of the world’s leading brain experts
will come together to share their best advice, cutting-edge research and proven strategies…so you can get your deep “implicit brain” (the part that controls the results you get in life) to work in NEURAL RESONANCE with your explicit Brain to help you achieve your goals. Change your Brain to accelerate your income.

The millionaire mindset ebook free

What will you learn in this groundbreaking event?

  • Discover how to eliminate the mental and emotional obstacles holding you back so you can get rid of that “stuck” feeling once and for all!
  •  Stop your Inner Critic from sabotaging you and keeping you from true happiness.
  •  Learn new strategies and techniques you can use within minutes to help you improve your self-esteem, focus, and success habits.
  •  Be amazed by discoveries on how to get your Brain fully engaged and incoherent (harmony) with the goals and dreams you have vs fighting yourself each step of the way.
  •  Unlock parts of your Brain’s “success circuits” for more productivity and less procrastination.
  •  Why stress might be the reason you haven’t hit your financial goals… and how to turn your stress into your fuel for wealth creation and financial success

And so much more…

I love this quote from John Assaraf as it is so true ...and it happens each day.

Here’s the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.”



The best gift ever 

We have something very special for you this year. Everyone who registers will receive a workbook called Unlock Your Brain for Success.  

Watch the 6 hours of all these experts it is great and gives you an AHA Moment repeatedly. 

Thanks for signing up. Please don’t miss this free event. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? It is a reason why you landed on this page.


All yours Sylvia

PS: you can also gift this to one of your family members. It makes a great and special gift. 



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