When the Corona Virus slows down the whole world. Stay productive and motivated during the time you are working from home.

Long before the coronavirus outbreak struck, working from home was introduced in some companies around the world. Nobody expected it to become so quickly a must and a big challenge for a lot of white-collar employees.

Tech giants including Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter announced earlier this week, that most of their staff are mandated to work remotely due to the coronavirus.


What are the biggest challenges for employers and employees?

Employees struggling with loneliness, managing their time, and if you work in a team than communication between team members is a challenge.

In lots of countries schools and colleges have been closed and parents must juggle the company working from home experience and family priorities.

As coronavirus spreads, working from home is the new reality for many people around the world.

The trick with working from home is finding a balance between work, family and their social life.

Lots of question are raised as to when working from home for a company…

  • How often can my boss call me in a day?
  • does that mean I am 24/7 available?
  • What happens if I am out when my boss calls?
  • Do I get paid a full salary or will it be cut short?
  • and so many more…

You might be one of the people where the office has closed and employees are sent home and commute the work from home.

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Or you are an entrepreneur who works from the comfort of your home. My Freedom Lifestyle Biz has highlighted some tips that will help you to stay productive while working from home.

1. Procrastination at it’s finest.

When you are home all day, there are many ways to get distracted. The TV stares at you and it is tempting you to have a sneak peek on your favourite Netflix series or movie. The couch looks so inviting to sit down to watch TV maybe only 1 hour or so. 

You could do the cleaning and tidy up of your home, or maybe you could do the ironing. 

Or you could call a friend and talk a couple of minutes. Working from home has many temptations around the corner. 

It is so easy to fall into this trap when you know there is no one around who holds you accountable. Establishing a routine and a schedule on what you should do is essential. Stay on top of all your tasks with these simple tips.  

2. Get into the right mindset.

Devote some time to a 15-minute meditation to clear your head and align yourself.

Not everyone is a friend of meditation but there are many ways to get you into the right mindset.

  • Have a hot cup of coffee to start your day.
  • Create a mental To-do list for you on what you want to achieve today.
  • Have a walk
  • Do some exercise
  • Do whatever sets the mood for you to get going.

3. Get ready for the day.

Working from home does not mean you can sit around the whole day in your pyjamas with the television on in the background. Take this picture out of your mind. That is not how it works. 

It is the same as you would be working from an office. To be successful, you have to set yourself up for success. You have to taste it, see it, feel it, hear it, and of course, want it. ( Free webinar Winning the game of money)

Get dressed and start your day as you would going to an office.  It is so much easier being dressed up and talking on the phone to a customer or a team member as when you are in your pyjamas.

Tip of the day. Every day before you start, set an intention for today. 

4. It is vital that you get into a routine or rhythm to perform at your best.

One of the most important things you have to do is establish working hours and break times.

Even working from home is flexible, you need rhythm and a routine.

Manage your time wisely as there are parts in the day where your bio clock is at the lowest and most of the time, you won’t be very productive. 

You know procrastination will kick in when you are most vulnerable and that is normally the time when your bio clock is at the lowest. Any distractions that lead to procrastination is bad. Having routine cuts out those little distractions by 60%.

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5. Dedicate a space where you can work from home in peace.

It is vital that when you are working from home that you have a place where you work and where you are not disturbed by your kids and other members of the household.  

You might be able to work on your kitchen table or work from your balcony when the weather is excellent. Where you work is up to you, but you need to be able to concentrate and be productive, not busy. 

7. Sit comfortable and align your back

People can work in many positions. Some people can work in bed or on a sofa for hours. Whenever you do not have a working desk available, make sure you got a small table in reach of you. Even if you do not have to work with a lot of papers and documents around you. 

 It is always good to have a side table handy for a glass of water and your phone.  

You can also use a c-table for the comfort of your neck and posture. 

Some people love sitting on the floor than prop yourself with a couple of throw pillows to maintain proper body alignment.

The best way to work is by sitting on a table with a proper chair and back support. Use the kitchen table or whatever is available. It is important that you can work in peace and are not distracted.

8. Track your Time

Be aware of how you spend your time. Answering emails and or getting sidetracked on social media. How many hours do you spend on the phone? Streamlining some of your tasks might be a good idea to keep you productive. Use Rescue Time to track your time and record your productivity. 

9. Prioritize your tasks

Did you know that wealthy and successful people do the unpleasant tasks first thing in the morning to get them out of the way? 

The reason is of not being distracted throughout the day. 

Prioritize your To-Do- list according to the importance of tasks. 

Work with the 80/20 rule to get most out of your day. 

What counts in the end of the day is that you know you accomplished the tasks you set out. Ending the day with being satisfied and happy in crossing off the to-do list is rewarding in itself. 

10.Set a Timer for your breaks

Find out what is your attention span, and when you lose focus. 

Set your timer for a period of time and get up from your computer to stretch your legs, go to the Restroom or walk around and get fresh air. 

It is suitable for your eyes to get off the screen and look into the distance for a while. Getting off the computer screen also means not looking at your phone screen. 

You can get a snack too, or get some Vitamin D when you go outside to boost your immune system. When it is rainy weather than turn on all the lights to get you out of that mood, a rainy day brings with it. 

11. Don’t Multitasks stay on Monotasking?

When you focus on your work and finish one task at a time, you are much more productive. 

Focusing on many tasks all at once will make you busy but not productive.  

Get one task done well vs three tasks done poorly. 

No doubt working from home has its benefit. Let’s take advantage of them while still being productive. ( Find out how I work from home and my monthly salary)

12.Log off! You are done for today.

Working from home has many advantages but also disadvantages. 

A good work from the home perspective must let you also log off. 

You have to learn to create boundaries. 

You have to learn to log off and not just from your laptop or phone. From the work, it means to switch off your brain and mind.

You have to balance your work from home life with your social life. Working from home can be a lonely place. Ask any Entrepreneur they can tell you.

A great way to end the day is to create a quote or phrase when you finish your work, that way you signal to your brain that you are going off work now. 

If you have a last-minute idea, write it down, or use voice recording and think about it further tomorrow. 

Working from home does not mean you are 24/7 on stand by. 

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13.Relax and treat yourself

Allow yourself to relax and take time off. Treat it like you would work in a healthy office environment. Your body and mind will thank you for it. 

Working from home does not mean you do not have a life. You do still have a life and reward yourself. In Corona Virus times you might hold off until it is over.

How difficult life may seem; there is always something you can do and succeed at. Stephen Hawking


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All yours Sylvia

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