Get Rid of your financial problems once and for all. No more sleepless nights.

The Relationship between your Brain and You.

Did you know that financial success is according to Brain Science predicted by your brain and not by you? When I heard this first I was surprised.

There will be a high number of people arguing about that, but Neuro Science and Brain studies have confirmed that you and your brain’s connect and will determine if you are financially successful or not.

There are enough people in this world who are trapped in their world of having a day in and day out financial problems. They never seem to be able to come out of it.

What are Financial Problems?

We all been there, or at least I have been there. Going through the worry of paying bills and just getting around with little or no money left. I did not like it, and I was always looking for a way to make more money. Today I know it was a process for me to take my happiness into my own hands.

We all know people who work very hard and never come out of there hamster wheel working their but’s of and in the end they have the same financial problems over and over again. I have done the Free Webinar and I was surprised how logically some things are and how easy it is to change your mindset. Share my blog if you know people who struggle in their daily life.

In this blog, I will talk to you about Brain and Science. How to overcome the Chit Chat in your head that is holding you back, and how you can solve your problems once and for all. No more sleepless nights. I believe you want to have a good sleep right?

I always have been interested in Science and how our brain works. But when I came across that article from John Assaraf on how your brain predicts the financial success of yours, I was impressed. Actually to be honest I was shocked.

John even created based on his research and experience a course on how to rewire your Brain. The course is called “The winning game of money.” If you are interested click here. It comes with a free Webinar.

Thousand now has overcome their limiting beliefs, who never thought they could do it.

One question people always ask is why do they get stuck earning the same amount of income? Year in and year out no matter how hard they work trying to make more money.

To most people, this is pretty frustrating, and Brain Science now has the answers that explain this problem of working harder and only achieving incrementally better results, if any at all.

I know I been there for years I had a great job loved it but somehow, I felt like no matter what I do I can not cross that income mark to make six figures or even seven figures.

One of the first things I realized is that part of my brain that predicts my income and lifestyle.

I measured my achievement with the hard work and because I had a limited time of hours available I did limit myself. I was the cause which was holding me back — my limiting beliefs.

Science has come a long way and based on the latest Brain Science research the Brain plays a vital role in your Financial achievements.

You see, the part of your brain called front striatal pathway is responsible for your hidden self-image that unconsciously drives your behaviour. In most cases, it can be even stronger than your decisions and conscious desire to earn more income.

Many scientists believe that this small yet powerful pathway in your brain is the reason why most people who win millions of dollars in the lottery tend to sabotage their success and lose all the money in a very short timeframe.

Let me explain this a bit deeper, stay and you will be surprised.

It’s very hard for a person to consistently earn more income than the amount that is locked in their unconscious brain where their hidden self-image and income set-point resides.

The reason so many people get stuck earning the same income over and over again is not that they are not smart enough, or they don’t have the talent or the skill. The reason is that several parts of their unconscious brain have been trained and conditioned to expect a certain amount of income and a comfort zone year in and year out.

Does that start to make sense to you yet?

The Hypothalamus in your brain is like a thermostat.

Any amount of income that differs from the income set point in their brain will trigger an alarm within the brain that maintains homeostasis. This part of the brain is called the hypothalamus.

Just like a thermostat, the hypothalamus will bring them back to their original income and financial set point and their comfort zone by regulating their thoughts, their emotions and their behaviours.

Once they learn to adjust their hidden brain self – image and their brains financial set point, it becomes easier to earn more income and maintain it.

Do you want to know a few tricks to increase your income? Let me show you a few brain tricks to augment your brain and your self- image.

Try it out nothing to lose. The only thing you can gain is more income. It depends on you how determined you are.

For the most part without you knowing it, this frontal striatal pathway has been developing in your brain your whole life. All of the teachings from your parents, school teachers, friends, siblings and your personal experiences have shaped your life and the way you are and think.

The front-striatal pathway can be trained just like a muscle.

The more you reinforce certain beliefs about yourself the stronger your self-image becomes.

Now I know that you have a conscious idea of how much income you want to earn?

I also know that you have a strong hidden unconscious self -image and a financial setting that quietly sits in the backdrop and unconsciously pulls all of the strings and causing you to maintain whatever level of financial achievement has been programmed into this part of your brain.

The latest brain research shows that any change in the brain is interpreted as stressful.

Yes, even if it is a good change the brain gets stressed because it is not familiar with that.

FMRI Functioning magnetic resistant images studies

Most brain FMRI (functioning magnetic resistant’s imaging studies) have shown that when people have to make a significant change in their life triggers the activation fear centre. The emotional centre of your brain the amygdala causes most people,

a. either to freeze,
b. fight the change
c. or run away.

Why? …Is your brain doing this?

Explained simply…you are stepping out of your comfort zone and your mind will do anything to get you back into the comfort zone. Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings that you are familiar with.

Re-train your brain or say Re-wire your brain?

How can you retrain your frontal striatal pathway so that your unconscious hidden self- image matches the conscious image and the desire you have in earning more income and living the life you dream.

Brain science suggests that small changes thoughts or behaviours will not activate your fear centres or the fear-driven amygdala.

Visualization of your bigger financial goals will activate in the brain the nucleus acumens and insula.

These two parts of your brains drive your motivational centre, and they will trigger your feel-good neurotransmitter so you will feel motivated and take action on your goals.

Lets us play a game here. Are you ready?

Imagine this you are sitting at a café or a restaurant of your choice and a famous producer comes up to you and says this …

Hi I am XYZ and I just noticed you from across the room I am producing a new Hollywood movie and I think that you would be the perfect person to play a role in the movie.

If you like the script and you agree to be in the movie, I agree to pay you 5 Million dollars. Now the chances are that you would be a little bit shocked, a little excited, or even a little bit scared right?

So play along and lets see where this goes together.

Let’s assume after a couple of weeks of test and discussions you agree to accept this challenge, and you agree to do your very best to play this role. You sign the agreement, and he hands you the script, and now you have decided to become that role.

So what do you do first?

If you want to nail the part and have people believe you when you act and the filming is on, I imagine that you practise reading the role, performing the role, and you imagine playing the part over and over again in your mind until it felt and you felt comfortable.

Imagine through the practice of the role in your mind and your behaviour you would start to integrate with the role from the script that you are acting, and you would begin to become the role.

It would become more and more familiar to you over time right. Do you enjoy that play role so far?

Now it is all the time when you try to get a new role integrated into your brain. When you are working with your self-image and you add knowledge skills and ability. Your Goal and your vision become one.

Your frontal striatal pathway has this new image integrated with your old self-image and you have changed from the inside out.

With this said what you should do every day for the next 5 to 7 days just to get started on activating this part of your brain.

Sit quietly for just 5 minutes and start to see yourself already achieving the financial goals you have for yourself.

First, you see it in your mind’s eyes, role play with yourself and use your imagination that is where it all begins. Plant the seed for the better.

  • Ask yourself what I am wearing?
  • Who is with me?
  • How am I feeling?
  • What are you doing?
  • What is the entire emotion that you are experiencing?

See how easily you can overcome your financial problems.

You have to understand the more detailed you are the easier it will be for you to retrain the unconscious self-image of your self.

What I suggest is that you will remember this practice. It is the art of practising until it feels like normal.

It is the same as learning the alphabet or riding a bike, or learning how to drive a car.

Become the Actor of your Life you desire.

Learning how to become the script requires, focus attention and spaced repetition that it really sinks in, so does create the new self-image that you want.

If you enjoyed this and you want to learn more of the real brain science in achieving greater financial goals and financial success that shutter your financial glass ceiling and what you are capable of earning.

What I love you to do is join John Assaraf and 5 other well-known  Experts on Brain Science at the world famous complimentary FREE Brain A Thon webinar.

John will teach you a bunch of things like how to change your all self-image, your limiting beliefs, or fears that are holding you back from achieving your most potential and financial success.

Click below to reserve your spot now it is FREE and worthwhile your time.

I have to say I watched the video and I found it interesting, John will sell you the course what comes with it. It is up to you if you take on the offer or not. One thing I can say that I bought the course and over a period of time, I did let go of my limiting beliefs and I achieve now my goals. I am now earning a six-figure income.

It open my eyes on how much chit chat is in my brain and often times I am not very nice to myself. I did criticize myself a lot without realizing it.

I am in no way perfect, but I have my brain under control and I tell my brain and mind what to do not the other way around.

Do you know why people have trouble coming out of their financial problems? Because they rehearse in their mind over and over again the scenario what they will do when they can not pay their bills.

They imagine all in detail what they say and play the conversations in their head. They identify themselves with that role, and it becomes so familiar that they attract the things they don’t want.

Why not change it and learn how to turn the negative into a positive thought and achieve the life of your dreams.

Get Rid of your financial problems once and for all. No more sleepless nights.

Don’t waste more time, join the FREE WEBINAR BRAIN A THON WITH JOHN ASSARAF.

All yours


PS: When you are able to imagine step by step all the things you don’t want, why don’t you change and imagine the good things you like to have.

Read my other blogs about money.

Winning the Game of Money

Forced Retirement Doesn’t Mean the End of Your Career

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