A Guide to the startup Cost for an Internet Business
In this Part 2, we will discuss the following points
- When is the right time
- What Kind of Costs You Can Expect( Website, Domain, Keyword tool, Courses etc. )
- Prioritize your Money (what is mandatory and what you don’t need)
- Moving forward what are the alternative options
When is the right time to commit?
The best time to commit to the Internet marketing career is after you have taken some time to think about the pro and cons and start to understand that you need to invest time and money to educate yourself first so you can be successful.
- It is essential that you do consider signing up for a program either for free and later when you have an income you can go for a paid membership with all the benefits of group support, website hosting, private lesson, big community, live chat, keyword tool, weekly video lesson etc.
- You will need some time to develop your business, and that means you need to set aside some time.
- Educate yourself, find out what is your passion, if you go into affiliate marketing, blogging choose a niche.
Do some research on who you can trust and build relationships with them
Create Products
Provide Service for other people - leverage your skills
- Learn the technical and digital side of the business ( create a website, how to post on social media, how to use a keyword tool, how to drive traffic to your site or blog, and so much more)
- Implement the courses you buy or attend don’t let them pass without using the knowledge
- Answer emails and give customer support ( depends on what your niche is )
- You have to fix a schedule for your self, so it becomes a habit. Remember a habit forms after 21 days. Then it is an imprint in your mind, and you do it as it would be natural. ( for example
Get up one hour earlier each day and do their task you can do in one hour. ) When it is possible for you or if you have more than one hour lunch use the time to work on your Internet Business.
After work when you come home to take some time to rest and then start working for 2 hours on your Internet Business. - When you are retired without savings or to keep your mind going, when you are unemployed, it could be a full-time gig for you.
- You probably ask why are we talking about the time commitment?
Well if you are not prepared to take on extra hours and invest your time, it will become a money problem. - You will fall into the trap of falling for the shiny objects that promise you a quick income fix.
What is the cost involved in a startup
Are you wondering how much you need to save up?
What should you buy?
Let us go over some options for newbies and what you need to pay as an online marketer if you take the fast route and you are sure it will be a long-term business for you.
If you go for the free route, you have to do still the same only doing it on free products. ( please note free products are limited in what you can do with them, and how far you go in your business.)
The free route is a longer and harder way. The freeway is good for a startup but when you start making a profit reinvest some into your business.
Courses free or paid
In any way free or paid you to need to educate yourself about online marketing the basics of what you need to know.
For example, if you wish to publish books on Kindle, you might buy kindling or another kindle course that starts with the basics.
There are some free courses also available on youtube and udemy. It depends on you but free content is seldom organised, and you need to sort through what is available and when will you need it.
You need to arrange free courses as a step by step guide on your own.
Don’t get me wrong there is plenty of resources all over the Internet but first searching for it, organising it and putting it in the right context is time-consuming and you can get easily sidetracked.
It is convenient when the people who created the course have outlined step by step in detail with their experience what works and what doesn’t.
If you buy each day a cup of coffee at Starbucks or Coffee bean stop doing it and make the coffee and sandwich yourself, saving that money saves you time and it buys you the course.
Starbucks coffee each day 3.00 Dollar maybe a sandwich or muffin that goes with it another 1.50 Dollars each day instead of spending that 6.00 Dollar save it and invest it into your course. If your course cost 49 Dollar you are back for Starbuck coffee in less than ten days voila your first course is paid.
Price of courses can range from as low as 7 Dollars to 17 Dollars to mid-range of 37-97 Dollar higher range 200- 1000 Dollar as well as the cream top-priced courses that go into the thousands of the dollar.
Courses sometimes are sold in boiler rooms where salespeople will call you based on a low investment you make – then offering you the sky and the stars so that you max out your credit card because this is a one time offer and if you want to be in the top 100 you should not miss that fantastic offer.
You don’t need to go for that, it is up to you and what you can afford. Don’t be pressured by the salespeople. The world will still be there if you pass that offer.
Domain Names
It will be a necessity to have a domain name when you want to start affiliate marketing like Amazon or Rakuten or getting paid for people advertising on your site.
Doing a long-term business where you are in control and getting leads than a domain name is a must.
When you use free promotion sites ( no free websites that are different) to promote your affiliate marketing you have to consider a few things. Not to get me wrong in the beginning it is great to use them but you are giving away good money as you are not creating a list, It can happen that one day you wake up and your whole account is locked. When that happens, then you will lose all your hard work and time you invested in one go.
It is ok to use those free programs without a website or domain but why investing all this time and work and in the end, you have to start again.
Domains are one of the cheapest investments, and on top of it, you are in control.
It will also create an absolute authority in your niche.
Get your domain, website and hosting for free with free training. First ten lessons
A domain will cost you depends on the extension between 0.99 cents and a dot.com up to 13.99 dollars a year, ( search on the internet to find a coupon code that can cut the price of a dot. com domain in half)
The creme de la creme are domains that can cost up to thousands of dollars.
Website hosting
Hosting is a service that keeps your site alive. Hosting for one site or unlimited domains is available with different providers.
It is cheap, and most website hosts start with a reasonable plan that starts from $2.95 to $29.95, per month depends on what service you chose.
Those are the monthly costs. ( search the internet for a discount code ) Some providers are Hostgator, Blue host, WordPress, etc.
Get your free website here including hosting /SSL certificate and domain name as a bonus first ten training lessons for free and free access to the member’s forum to ask questions.
SSL Certificate
Most websites offer this now together with their hosting. But if you find that your hosting company is charging extra for it, then go and sign up for Cloudflare it will make your site SSL safe.
Note SSL is now a requirement for all websites as Google has announced that all websites without SSL will be marked as insecure.
Advertising and Traffic
You have to differentiate between to kinds of traffic
Organic traffic = free traffic ( mostly done through SEO Search Engine Optimisation) and social media like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus, Hangouts, Pinterest, youtube etc.
Paid traffic= traffic you pay for on search engines like google, bing, and or other traffic sources like social media (youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
Some marketers buy only traffic and some only use SEO.
Both ways are ok, and the best method is to combine both.
Another way is using Solo Ads in Email Marketing, Adwords campaigns and other avenues. Cost can be from low to high. The good thing is that you can do things on a small scale ( sent solo ads to a smaller list) and grow it over time.
What tools do you need?
The Market is full of tools you could use and need.
First of all the necessary tools are you need a computer, internet connection. You will quickly understand that every course you take tries to sell you on their tools and they wrap it nicely that they make you believe that you need this tool to succeed.
You can succeed without them.
You have to prioritise and consider what is a necessity and what is a luxury. Remember you are starting off and on this stage of your journey you don’t need it.
Except for a keyword tool it helps you to see where your competition is and where they rank.
Some Internet marketers will not agree with me, but if you start, you should quickly get used to a keyword tool to write your content. It helps you with ranking and traffic.
For me an Internet marketer without a keyword tool( google keyword planner, jaaxy, ( free tools) is like a hairdresser without the scissors.
You do not sign up for the higher-priced in-depth keyword tools; the free ones are doing the job in the beginning and keep you rolling.
Email Autoresponders are another option. Free ones like Mail Chimp are doing a good job and can be easily integrated into your website through the API key.
If you want a paid one you can use get the response and a Weber.
The price for a Weber is the first month 1 dollar, and the next month it is $19.
Getresponse is my favourite as you can do a lot of things with it like landing pages, forms for sign-ups and opt-in forms, newsletters etc. the first month is free and then pay $15 monthly.
I would highly recommend when you see regular traffic to your site start implementing an autoresponder and capture the emails.
For sure you want to have graphics for your website( a minisite package for example what includes the background header, footer, and even ebook cover graphics for your infographic products. Canva is a great free product.

In time your business will grow, and whenever you don’t know how to do it or what to do, you will need funds to outsource it to someone else. ( Fiverr, Upwork, freelancer etc.)
The task I am talking about is the technical task, and time-consuming task, or just a task you don’t like to do.
Those tasks can cost from 5 Dollars to 100 Dollars and more. But on Fiverr, you will find a person who can do it at an acceptable price that doesn’t break your bank.
Prioritize Your Spending
That is important as in the high of becoming an Internet Marketer and being a newbie you are bombarded with so many opportunities, and everyone is telling you that you have to have it the courses, the tools and other items.
It is overwhelming and doesn’t fall for the shiny object syndrome most of them want your money nothing else.
Make yourself a plan and prioritise your step by step plan of implementing specific tasks and match then the spending of your money. ( weekly and monthly planner) set out your goals and write down what you want to achieve in a certain time.
For example, don’t spend money on a domain if you do not yet know what your niche is and what kind of business you want.
(health, weight loss, pets, languages etc.
e-commerce, affiliate marketing, own products, dropshipping)
As you might know right away but educate yourself about Internet marketing, so you have a better idea of when and how to invest your money. ( remember always search for discount codes on the internet if you are counting the dollars)
Stick to a budget that is important and put some reserve aside in case something out of the blue happens.
Don’t let experienced marketers talk you into out maxing your credit cards, borrowing money or getting into debt. Save your money first and go and offer services to other people if you need one course or product so desperate. Save your money first and then buy it, don’t go for impulse shopping always sleep a night over it. The offer is still there tomorrow or the day after.
Alternative Options to Help You Move Forward
To get ahead faster is partnering with people. When you partner with other people, you can cut costs in one way and increase your productivity. Do your diligence with whom you partner.
My advice finding someone who has the different talents of what you have. For example, if you can handle the technical tasks well then look for someone who can write well that way you are a great pair who complement each other.
To get what you need you have to swap or bargain with others especially when you just get started. Say you want to join this course, but you do not have the cash for it, contact the owner and find out if they need anything you can offer.
When you are good at writing offer some free pages of content in exchange for a copy, or if you are great at doing animation videos provide them with an animation video they can use to promote the course.
Don’t let your pride stand in your way of offering to help build your business.
When you grow your business and build your authority, please remember that speed and satisfaction are two different things.
You might find ways to a quick profit but that doesn’t mean it lasts forever or you are going to be happy with that business model in the long term.
Reevaluate your business over time as you start making an income. Have the means to branch out and do something that will make you indeed content. Be inspired by your business.
Start with a program that has all in one. The one you can use also free and you get some training for free.
One that provides a free website and if you want to upgrade you do not lose your site. A program with a great forum of more than 1.3 million people. Join this program today it is free and the first month, if you decide to go premium is 19 USD.
From each month on you pay 49 USD. Premium Membership allows you to host 25 websites for free.
Join now try it out nothing to lose it’s free.
All yours Sylvia