RSS Tool and Social Media powerful tools in the Online Marketing World

How to make money using  RSS Data transfer and Social Media. Both are powerful tools combined.

Once upon a time, there was the RSS Tool ( Real Simple Syndication) a powerful tool to get news and updates from multiple sites to your website and blog. Than Social Media Twitter feeds, Facebook walls, Reddit, and Telegram channels took over.

RSS lost his market share to social media. It has taken over a sizeable part of the RSS market share but it is still a great source for any news junkie, market watcher or social media addict. RSS is declining but it is not dead. With all the leeks about privacy from Facebook and Google people might consider to return to RSS.

Having a feed of constant –newest updates of self –curated information sounds like a good source of content on your site.

Social Media and RSS a powerful tool to make money online.
Picture source:

Social Media and RSS in the online world.

 When done correctly both Social Media and RSS can drive Traffic to your site that leads to conversions.

The only difference is that RSS is a “pull Technology” and Social Media a “push technology. “

There are different ways to make money to increase the earnings from your website. One way I want to show you here is with RSS ( Real Simple Syndication)

Email Marketing in the Make Money Niche.

With so much spam around and emails clogging up our inbox, marketers need to be creative to get their emails opened by the email receiver. Even you collect all the emails from your site, the chances that people read your email has become slimmer and slimmer. Open rate of emails soars.

Spam a way to drive customers away.

Can you imagine that anyone who logs on to the Worldwide web has not heard of “Spam”. I just talk to my  friend she is 2 years younger than me, but paid never much attention to the Internet.

When she ask me last week , what kind of product is that  as it seems to be so popular. Everywhere she hears the word Spam. I had to explain to her that it is not the tined meat product called  “Spam”.

Even it is very popular in some countries.  LOL

Definition of Spam

SPAM  is irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, and just to annoy you.  

“Spam’ is a push technology . Pushed into our face and inbox wanted or unwanted.

Many people believe this kind of push technology is or will soon be dying. Even some promote the money is in your list. I think I can not count how often I heard this from Marketing gurus and I know email marketing works, but I will never spam my subscribers as much as I hate it , so will they.

When I look at my inbox I get mail from people or companies I have never heard off, and I am sure I did not subscribe. I put them straight into the bin before I unsubscribe I will mark them as spam.

There are other opinions around and some say email marketing is still the best way to make money online and some say email marketing is dead. Opinions are divided on that subject. What is your opinion?

Said this as long as there are individuals and companies that use frequently the illegal spam process. Email marketing is around a long time.

 The irony of this is that companies who rank in the millions, actually selling spam solutions to big cooperations and individual people. The funny thing is that is actually a really good market but unfortunately, the solutions are not working.

But hey who we are to judge the diet products don’t work either but it is a million dollar industry and people still buy the products.

Real Simple Syndication ( RSS)

RSS is actually the total Opposite of the Push Technology ( email marketing) it is a pull technology.

When you subscribe to an RSS Feed subscribers pull information into their RSS Readers and can only be done so if someone voluntarily subscribes  to an particular RSS Feed.

When the subscriber finds that information not useful or they don’t want it anymore , they can simply unsubscribe any time and never have to receive any other  message from the owner of that particular feed.  Because of the term “Pull” Technology.

Most experienced  Website owners use the RSS Feeds but a lot do not know what it does and even with the social media out there, RSS is still a good option to get traffic to your site.  

Google Ad sense and your Website

Say you have a website with a blog and if you don’t have and want to set up a mini website with a one page or two page that is also ok . A blog is a good idea and a great alternative to a mini Website.

You can host ads either from Google Ad Sense or the any Banner Ads Company.

Whenever you have a visitor on your site and they click on your ads you get paid.

One important thing is that your pages need to be optimized properly. I am not talking about deep SEO but you have an advantage if you can, I talk about using a keyword tool that is easy to use and helps with ranking. Jaaxy the free Keyword tool. Using Keywords in your Content ranks you faster. This will ensure you get your page ranked higher up in search engines.

You can try out the free Jaaxy Keyword Tool here

As it is with any site or page the more targeted traffic you get, the more visitors will click your ads, and that will increase your earnings.

You properly already utilize social media as a way to get visitors to your site and by using the power of RSS you can increase the earnings potential on your page again.

Adding an RSS feed to your page will convert your page into an ever-changing dynamic web page. Bringing you an abundance of returning visitors. Please note that you also need quality content for the visitors to return to your page.

Adding an RSS feed to your page will convert your page into an ever-changing dynamic web page. Bringing you an abundance of returning visitors. Please note that you also need quality content for the visitors to return to your page.

For what Can I use RSS

  • Information that is interesting in your niche: When you are interested in a special Niche to say a particular topic you can connect to blogs and websites or news feeds that specialize in your topic. You can have a whole RSS Feed about your favourite Football team, Tennis player, your favourite TV series, or Donald Trump. You can also follow events, updates, local business, new courses the choice is yours.
  • Price, free services and Deals: You will be surprised how many sites are out there who monitor special deals, free offers, free services and special deals on travel and lifestyle, the stock market, trading bitcoins and digital currencies etc.
  • Daily News: Get the newest Information about headlines delivered straight to your RSS. The good thing you are able to customize it as it fits you.
  • Job Offers: Be updated on job websites on the newest offers on new jobs. Not all job search sites have the RSS feature but there are some available.
  • Weather updates: If you are in the camping and outdoor niche, for example, you can get the updated information on the Weather forecast on your page.

There is no limit on how creative you can be on your RSS Feeds.

How many RSS Feeds can I put on my Website?

You can put as many as you want, but again not to look like spam put around 5 or 10 RSS Feeds to your page. You will create a dynamic, ever-changing, self-updating page. Providing valuable content that readers will want to read, over and over again.

Create your Free Website with a Free Training lessons in less than 90 seconds want to know how click here to find out.

Is it simple to use it with the free RSS creator software.

You can get the RSS creator software in different forms. As a desktop, mobile, and even browser add-on versions, or as a web-based version.

The free versions have limits and you can not subscribe unlimited, but most RSS creator software allows you to subscribe up to 60-100 sites. After that, they ask you to pay, what is ok when you make money on your site. You have a wide choice of RSS software out there but the few I mention here are the most popular ones.

Different RSS ( Real Simple Syndication )Software available

It is not a big secret to turn a webpage into a dynamic webpage. Just use one of the many RSS softwares available.  

RSS creator software called Carp. It is one of the many free versions and can be downloaded here.

3 Options are available as you can see above. You have the option to try it out first. Just follow the instructions.

picture source you tube video from InoReader

You have the choice and find out which one works for you. When you decided which reader you will use, it is time to pull in your sources.

Most RSS Readers have a search function that will find any major site or publication. If it does not show up it is easy to do it manually but takes time.

All you have to do is paste the URL into your RSS reader and it should automatically find the feed for you. You can also keep an eye out on the RSS feed symbol on other blogs and websites what will bring you straight to their feed. Once added all the sources you can organize them in a way that suits you.  


A lot of discussion is going on and for many people they say RSS is dead. Let me tell you RSS is not dead and if you belong to the mid to late millennial generation, chances are that you have heard about RSS but never paid much attention to it.

RSS is still part of the Internet, it is free and refreshingly free from personal issue and personal opinions from people like on social media like Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. 

Some marketers get tired of the social media but it is a must in the online marketing world.

The information properties are nice. The most valuable  RSS feature may now be its ability to help users in a conscious balance of perspectives on what they read, but it is going beyond Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

RSS Real Simple Syndication is a pull technology not a push technology like social media. You still have the choice on what you like to see in your feed.

Do you have experience with RSS Feeds and Social Media please share with us what you use and how it works for you. Feel free to comment below

Try out our free Jaaxy Keyword tool it is great and it helps you to get your site ranked higher.

All yours Sylvia

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