Affiliate Marketing Series. Part 1. Niche Marketing. Make Money online.

Niche Marketing. Screw this first step up, and you will fail to make money online.

Lots of individuals think that making money online is very simple. The belief is that choosing a Niche and creating a Website with some Niche Marketing will have the effect that people will automatically come to their Website and click on all sorts of products and ads so that the website owner can make money online. 

Oh, It sounds so easy. This is one of the big misconceptions people have about Affiliate Marketing because of what people advertise. “Make Money in your Sleep” Create your Niche and earn money overnight.

Affiliate Marketing Products are available everywhere.

It is straightforward. You can find various products claiming to help you make money online. A whole industry and blog category promises the readers they will earn money from home if they do certain things.

Unfortunately, a lot is just overmarketing and selling as well as the hype and flat lies. But on the other hand, there is a huge demand for this information.

It is in high demand, as who would not want to work a couple of hours a week to earn the same amount of money as a full-time employee?

Can I make money online with Affiliate Marketing?

So Is this true?
Or do you think this is a lie?
It may all be just hype.
Well, believe it or not, it is true! The answer is yes. You can make money online with Affiliate Marketing.

The good news is you can set up an online passive income system. The dream of taking care of your family and going on more than one vacation a year or simply doing the things in life you always wanted to do. That is the good news.

Well, yes, there is also bad news. Not bad news, but as in every business, it will not work overnight, and there is work and time involved.

So what is the bad news besides the work?

It takes time and a lot to get to this point. There is also online education involved. You need to invest in some training, yes, you can find some training for free on the internet. Think about every business you start requires some input of time, money, education, and training.

Why should you invest in Training when you can get it for free on the internet?

It is very simple: whenever you do something and have to invest in education, the chance of you finishing it and succeeding is greater than when you get it for free.

The Secret no one tells you about the Make Money Online Story.

The secret to the jigsaw puzzle is that most Marketers and Hypesters don’t want you to know. They count on that you will get excited and pumped up on the fact that online marketing is a dream job, so you buy their products and sign up for their seminars, and hand them your money.

Emphasizing the amount of planning and work that needs to be done. When you want to make money online through niche marketing, there is no way around you have to do the job. As online marketing is mental work, it can be quite challenging and might tire you out faster. But said this you would enjoy it.

You are forced to think outside the box when you do mental work. You are forced to confront your expectations and assumptions. Physical work is physically challenging, but you understand your limit very quickly. Mental work is not obvious; you must stop thinking habitually. It is a challenge and a process?

The reason people fail to create a successful Affiliate Marketing Business online.

It’s no surprise that many people who get into niche marketing and try to build a passive online business fail. They fail not because they are dumb or did not do the work. They failed because they did not create a system for themselves.

The bottom line is that you need a system and the right mindset. The fact is that 90 % of online businesses fail, and start-ups have a failure rate of 90%. Online or Offline.

Either you fail immediately or at a later stage down the line. Sooner or later, you will only succeed if you know what you are doing. You must wrap your mind around that. As not having a system and the right mindset is the most common mistake why online marketers fail.

Niche Analysis is an important Step in Make Money Online Business.

When you are thinking of trying out niche marketing, you must do a thorough analysis of niche marketing. Do focus on that term for a second and let it sink in. Analyze your niche thoroughly. 

Below, you see training from a platform I have learned about and am still a member of it. Click on the picture if you like to have a look around. It is free for 7 days, and you can access some training. Not all. 

As we talked about before, a system, that where it starts. You need a system to differentiate the niches and determine which niche you should build your business.

If you are utterly clueless about the need for such a system, sorry, but you will fail as you will be overwhelmed and just go nowhere. Your chances of failing are pretty high.

The fact that picking the wrong niche, where you did not realize that there is little to no demand for it, is the same as having a business in an area where customers never go.

The same is said for a niche that is in high demand. The competition will be fierce and to succeed against the big players is zero for a beginner. ( Read start-up statistics) 

There are just so many things that could go wrong. There are at least 5 factors you need to pay attention to. If you truly want to maximize your chance of success, then you need to pay attention to additional factors. 

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