About Me

hello in many languageshello in many languages

Hi, my name is Silvia

I live overseas now for more than 30 years, I have lived in countries like South East Asia – Vietnam, Singapore, China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, South America– Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Africa –Johannesburg, Namibia, Zambia , Europe– Italy, Spain, Monaco, France, Germany a.s.o)

Most of the time I spend travelling around the world for work. Travelling to see different places and experience the culture and tradition of those countries is an memory I will always keep in my heart.

When I was 19 years young I started my first business in Vietnam and ended up owning quite a few business around the world. All are successful and still running. I love the work I do, and I decided to start with Internet Marketing. I am a person who needs to be challenged and I will not quit until I am successful.

It is a great opportunity and a great business to get involved with as I do love creating things.

I  deepened my knowledge of Crystals,( that I was already from a young age) and I am a Feng Shui Practitioner,  Pranic healer ( Arthatic Yoga level) Naturopath and I am very spiritual.  I love animals and I am a member of quite a few animal charities. I am a big believer in the law of attraction and I believe that anything is possible in life if you have the right mindset.

Earn Money from homeEarn Money from home

Life holds a lot of challenges and when I start something new and adventures I give it 1000%. I never started a business where my heart was not in it, I guess because I love what I do that makes you succeed. You need to connect the heart and your mind when you want to be successful.

I decided 7 years ago to start the Internet Business, and I have to say the journey was not easy ( lots of frustration) and it took me a long time to learn and to understand how it works and how you actually make money online. I am very happy I took this path and I can assure you it works, but not without effort. There are a lot of freebies out there ( money wise ) but you will still invest your time and get frustrated as most of the time one little puzzle is always missing.

One advise if you start in the Online World, don’t get in with a mind of making millions overnight. That will not happen unless you win the lottery.

Set your mind to make 10 $ first, then 100$, then 1000$, than 10.000$ and than 100.000$ now you can make a 1.000.000 $.

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and it is a great online community with proper training and a great like-minded community.

What is my mission…

I decided through my struggle ( Scams and information Jungle)  that I want to help people to make a living online. We all deserve to be happy and abundant. I am a big believer of the vision-dream boards and over the years I have made a range of it and I never got disappointed.

The subconscious mind works on different levels and you can have what you want you just have to take action and set it in motion. That’s where I come in I will help people to set their dreams into motion. I mean” help” I can not do it for you I can help you but you have to create the motion and action.

I am not easygoing and I won’t stop until I succeed. My Inspiration always was Napoleon Hill the book called “Think and Grow Rich” I don’t know how many times I have read that one. Every time I read it again I discover something new about that book.

I decided to start from the bottom and work my way up, and I have to say it was a hard way but in the end, it is rewarding. I am learning still new things ( you never stop learning so do not close your mind ) and I am so happy to find a platform that is a university where you can learn and discuss and get challenged by members. It helped me to succeed in my Laptop Lifestyle and scale my online businesses to new heights.

My famous quote is from John C. Maxwell 

The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. 

This Website is dedicated to people who are not afraid to start living their “dream lifestyle”  not only in their mind but also in the real world. Achieving this goal is easy when you are ready to commit, take action and accept the ups and downs of the online business.

You have to prepare your heart and your mind to succeed. It is called Coherence.  I can tell you from my experience it is a great journey with lots of joy and fun.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Atma Namaste

